Choose a job you love and you will never have to work
We’re not only dentists, but also truly passionate members of our proffesion. We treat all of our Patients with all of our hearts, and each one of their visits is resolved with a professional approach and an optimistic attitude.
Natalia Prysyazhna, DDS
I’ve known that I wanted to be a dentist since childhood. A high sense of aesthetics and a love of art and creativity made me choose the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry as the closest to my heart of all the fields of medical study. I graduated in 2005 from the Ivano-Frankivsk (former Stanislavov) National Medical University in Ukraine.Shortly after completing my studies I had the opportunity to gain very valuable professional experience in the United States (in Stamford, Connecticut) as a dental assistant. Having received a certificate of equivalence in Poland, I then began my postgraduate internship at the Academic Dental Polyclinics in Wrocław. Following my heart, I moved to the City of the Polish Kings and settled in Kraków, all the while working in reputable dental clinics. I have been constantly broadening my knowledge and improving my practical skills by participating in numerous specialist courses, conferences and training sessions. The natural consequence of all this activity experience was the decision to start my own practice.

lek. dent. Natalia Prysyazhna
Już w dzieciństwie wiedziałam, że chcę zostać Lekarzem. Wysokie poczucie estetyki, zamiłowanie do sztuki oraz kreatywność sprawiły, że najbliższym mojemu sercu kierunkiem studiów medycznych był wydział lekarsko-dentystyczny, który ukończyłam w 2005 roku na Nacjonalnym Uniwersytecie Medycznym w Iwano-Frankowsku (były Stanisławów) na Ukrainie. Tuż po studiach miałam możliwość zdobyć bardzo cenne doświadczenie zawodowe w Stanach Zjednoczonych (Stamford, Connecticut) jako asystentka stomatologiczna. Po otrzymaniu zaświadczenia o równoważności dyplomu w Polsce, rozpoczęłam staż podyplomowy w Akademickiej Poliklinice Stomatologicznej we Wrocławiu. Idąc za głosem serca, przeprowadziłam się do Miasta Królów Polskich i osiedliłam się w nim cały czas pracując w renomowanych krakowskich klinikach stomatologicznych. Nieustannie rozszerzałam wiedzę i udoskonalałam umiejętności praktyczne uczestnicząc w licznych specjalistycznych kursach, konferencjach oraz szkoleniach. Naturalnym następstwem owych działań i zdobytego doświadczenia była decyzja o rozpoczęciu samodzielnej praktyki.
Olga Szymeczko, MD, PhD, DDS
“Start from doing what’s needed to be done, and then, do what’s possible; you’ll notice you did something impossible”
These words describe the work of the dentist in endodontics, Olga Szymeczko-Książek.
She has been practicing since graduating from the Faculty of Dentistry at the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków in 2003, broadening her knowledge and skills at the same time through participation in scientific conferences and trainings.
She provides services of microscope root canal therapy and conservative therapy. Everyone, even the youngest patient, feels safe and comfortable when treated by her.

Olga Szymeczko, MD, PhD, DDS
“Start from doing what’s needed to be done, and then, do what’s possible; you’ll notice you did something impossible”
These words describe the work of the dentist in endodontics, Olga Szymeczko-Książek.
She has been practicing since graduating from the Faculty of Dentistry at the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków in 2003, broadening her knowledge and skills at the same time through participation in scientific conferences and trainings.
She provides services of microscope root canal therapy and conservative therapy. Everyone, even the youngest patient, feels safe and comfortable when treated by her.
Renata Nowacka, dentist assistant
Thanks to her commitment and care, our doctors always have everything perfectly prepared for treatments. Thanks to her personal charm, all patients, even the youngest ones, always calm down.

Renata Nowacka, dentist assistant
Thanks to her commitment and care, our doctors always have everything perfectly prepared for treatments. Thanks to her personal charm, all patients, even the youngest ones, always calm down.